Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Exhibition Driving - Worcester County - Ocean City Car Show - Maryland House Bill HB1493

car show ocean city burnout exhibition driving


On March 18, 2020 the Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill (HB) 1493, an Emergency Bill, in reference to Prohibitions in a Worcester County (Maryland) Special Event Zones. The bill is referred to commonly as the, "Exhibition Driving" car show bill. It is aimed at reducing and enforcing illegal behavior during Ocean City, Worcester County, Maryland special event car shows. Those car shows include, but may not be limited to, the Spring Car Cruise (Cruisin), Fall Endless Summer Cruisin' & H2Oi "pop-up" car show.


The bill was sponsored by Delegates Hartman, Adams, Anderton, Arentz, Clark, Cox, Jacobs, Krimm, Malone, Mautz, McComas, Miller, Otto, and Reilly. It was originally introduced in February, 2020.


Text from the bill including, [for] "the purpose of prohibiting a person from engaging in exhibition driving within a special event zone in Worcester County; prohibiting a person from committing certain violations of the Maryland Vehicle Law within a special event zone in Worcester County; defining the term “exhibition driving” for purposes of this Act; establishing certain penalties for violations of this Act; altering a certain definition; making stylistic changes; making this Act an emergency measure; and generally relating to special event zones in Worcester County."


HB1493 defines a, "special event" as an automotive event on a highway that:

1. is approved by a government entity; or
2. has 1000 or more attendees, regardless of whether the event is approved.

HB1493 defines, "special event zone" as a highway that is appropriately marked with signage for the special event. 

Note: A special event zone may include a private parking lot or area adjacent to the public highway.

HB1493 defines "Exhibition Driving" as one of these two: 

  1. The transportation of a passenger on or in an area of a motor vehicle that is not designed or intended for the passenger (such as the hood or roof); or
  2. Operation of a motor vehicle that results in:
  • excessive abrupt acceleration or deceleration;
  • skidding, squealing, burning, or smoking of tires;
  • swerving or swaying of vehicle from side to side while skidding;
  • loud, raucous, or disturbing noise from engine;
  • grinding of gears;
  • backfiring of engine; or
  • any of the wheels of the vehicle losing contact with the ground.


A person may not engage in exhibition driving within a special event zone.

A person may not commit any of the following violations within a Special Event Zone:

  • Exceeding posted speed;
  • Negligent driving;
  • Driving in a race or speed contest;
  • Participating in a race of speed contest; or
  • Skidding, spinning of wheels, or causing excessive noise.


Exhibition Driving .......................................... Maximum 60 Days in Jail and/or $1000.00 fine.

Violations within a Special Event Zone ........ Maximum $1000.00 fine. 

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